Barrowden Village Hall CIO
Phase one of a community hub
Regular events in the Village Hall
During the rebuilding works, the groups have moved to alternative premises, contact the organiser listed below for details. Most groups are continuing during the rebuild.
Keep fit with Fiona 8.45am contact Fiona on 07950 485163 for information
Scottish Country Dancing 2pm contact Valerie on 01572 748655 £2 per session
Now in South Luffenham
Crochet Club 7pm Contact Helen Broom
Now in the Exeter Arms, Barrowden
Warm hub afternoons 1pm - 4pm now in shop - Free, drop in or phone 748655 for a lift.
Women’s Institute
1st Tuesday every month 7pm contact Sally on 01572 747463 for information
Now in Morcott
Art group 10.30am £3 Contact Hilary on 07768 478736
Now in Exeter Arms, Barrowden
Indoor bowls 2pm contact David 01572 747670
Ukulele Group 7pm £2 Contact Mike on 07850 936147
Now at the Cricket Club
Barrowden Parish Council
2nd Wednesday each month 7.15pm parish clerk 01572 748718
Now in the Church
Cinema group
2nd Thursday Oct to May 7.30pm contact Jennifer 747026 or Alison 747828
3rd Thursday each month 7pm contact
Now at the Cricket Club on various nights.
every month, dates vary 12.30pm for 1pm contact Janet Ball 747015
See village email for schedule and location