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Minutes of Barrowden Village Hall CIO Committee

Barrowden Village Hall Committee Meeting 

Village Hall 30 April 2024 20.00

Valerie Fraser (Chair), Charlotte Bradshaw, Ann Hillier, Peter Jones (BPC rep), Brian Edwards, Sara Barrett
Steve Preston, Robert Wright (Treasurer), Terry Curtis (Secretary)

Apologies. Paul Diver

Hall Rebuild Project Update
Construction start date is still planned for 20th May and the first stage will be the completion of the permanent
parking facilities for the shop and temporary parking for contractors vehicles in the paddock. A meeting will
be held with all neighbours and the builders to work through any concerns.
There are no other significant updates to provide beyond what was discussed at the Annual General
Meeting. However, it is important to secure donations for the fit-out. It is imperative that we have some ideas
to encourage contributions towards specific items, such as sports equipment, which may incentivise more
The NL will closely monitor the use of the hall in accordance with the specifics outlined in the grant
application, particularly those related to the provision of amenities to enhance community well-being and
cater to the needs of young individuals.
Meetings are ongoing with Burghley, the architects and builders to finalise the finer construction
management details and tie up the legals regarding the LtO’s for the shop and surgery.
It is important to recognise that the new hall serves as a stepping stone towards the development of a new
hub, as originally planned. We should consider whether it is appropriate to continue referring to it as a village
hall, as this term may be perceived as outdated and imply that it caters only to older individuals. It is
essential to align the name of the facility with its modern and inclusive purpose.
It is important to focus on younger children and their families when utilising the new facility.
Hall Activities – Future Temporary Locations
All users have now found alternative locations, the exception being the cinema club which will suspend its
activities until the new hall is ready.

Finance – BVH Funds
Village hall funds, as distinct from the rebuild funds, remain at a comfortable level to be able to support
ongoing commitments throughout the build such as trustee indemnity insurances, utility bills (site water and
electricity) whilst providing some small contingency if required for the build.
Fundraising – BVH Funds
It was agreed that fundraising will continue throughout the re-build and that new ideas are welcome.

Matters Arising
Peter Jones representing BPC proposed a vote of thanks to all trustees for their work in getting to this point,

Barrowden Village Hall Committee Meeting 

Village Hall 16 Nov 2023 15.00

Valerie Fraser (Chair) Peter Jones (BPC rep.) Brian Edwards Sara Barrett Steve Preston Robert Wright via Zoom (Treasurer) Terry Curtis (Secretary)

1 Apologies. Ann Hillier, Charlotte Bradshaw, Paul Diver

2 Hall Rebuild Project Update
Good progress has been made with the architect and the timber frame manufacturer regarding the
Construction Management Plan (CMP) and timber frame design. The PWL application has been completed
by the BPC and sent to the appropriate council department.
The construction management plan has been produced to provide safe and secure site activities, access and
traffic management during construction. Finalisation of shop access arrangements, and site parking is
The revenue grant from the Community Ownership Fund (COF) has been received.
Progress with the National Lottery continues and stage 1 acceptance has been achieved. NL require further
project details and documentation before a final decision is made which is expected to be Q1 2024. The
expected grant is £250k from the NL which will match the COF capital grant.
A number of grant applications are now out for consideration with various organisations, and others are
pending application windows.
The demolition of the existing hall will not commence until the necessary funding from the NL is secured.

3 Hall Activities – Future Temporary Locations
Alternative venues for users are being assessed as the hall will likely be unavailable from March onwards.
Some users have expressed their intention to temporarily halt their activities until the new hall is ready.

4 Finance
Business as usual for the hall in respect of bookings until at least Feb 2024.
Hall finances (which are separate from the rebuild project finances) remain at a comfortable working level to
support current activities and ad hoc maintenance expenditure.

5 Fundraising
Charlotte Bradshaw will be hosting a festive wreath making workshop on the 5th of December, contact and a ceilidh has been scheduled for the 30th of December.
A children's concert is being considered for the half-term week in February and a quiz night is being is also
being considered although the dates have not yet been finalised.

Page 1 of 2 16 Nov 2023

Fundraising events will continue throughout the construction period.
Further details will be on the this website.

6 Maintenance
Routine maintenance continues as usual.

7 Emergency lighting check
The emergency lights were tested and found to be working correctly.


Date of next meeting
End of Q1 2024
There being no further business the meeting closed at 16.15

Barrowden Village Hall Committee Meeting - Summary

Village Hall 04 July 2023 8.00 pm

Valerie Fraser (Chair) Robert Wright (Treasurer) – via Zoom Peter Jones (BPC rep.) Paul Diver Brian Edwards Sara Barrett Ann Hillier  Charlotte Bradshaw (from minute item 2) Terry Curtis (Secretary)

Before the meeting started John Haddon tendered his resignation from the board of Trustees and Committee
as he had now moved to Stamford. Valerie thanked John for all his hard work as a committee member and
treasurer. This was echoed by all those present. Brian Edwards also proposed a vote of thanks.
Apologies. Steve Preston

Committee & Trustee membership
Charlotte Bradshaw has agreed to join the committee and also become a Trustee (co-opted).
As noted at the preceding AGM, Peter Jones has resigned as a Trustee but remains on the committee as the
BPC representative.

Actions from AGM

Rebuild Barrowden 1927 Village Hall – Update
It was agreed to appoint the architects to manage the rest of the project due to their excellent work to date in
reaching planning approval.
The Community Ownership Fund (COF) matched funding will be phased over coming months. A number of
potential sources have already been identified and contacted.
Confidence is high that the funding target will be achieved.
The Village Hall Development Group (VHDG) will seek further financial management support as the project
moves forward

Business as usual for the hall in respect of bookings until 12/23 at least. An anomaly with the electricity
contract has been resolved with the supplier.
Pledges and donations will not be called in until the position with the National Lottery funding is finalised..
Hall finances remain at a comfortable working level.



A Ceilidh has been arranged for September and a talk on the Roman Villa and Mosaic discovery at Ketton is
planned for the 13th October.
A second talk by Matthew Morris from the Leicester University Archaeological Services is a possibility
Charlotte Bradshaw said that she would be able to run a wreath making course during the first week of
Burns Night celebrations are planned for January, hall availability permitting.
A quiz night was discussed and potential organisers will be contacted
Further ideas for fundraising activities were discussed and will be publicised when decisions have been

No new issues.

H&S - Emergency lighting check
The emergency lights were tested and found to be working correctly.
Date of next meeting
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05 PM

Cinema Club -  Back in 2025 

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